5Elements Dance Activation™ is now offered globally via our teacher's network. Find a class near you.
Want to become a facilitator? 100hr Facilitator Training Courses are held in Bali each year.
Visit: Embodied Dance Facilitator Training for more information.
R.I.A. - Rhythms In Action
Rani - 5Elements Dance Activations currently in Adelaide, Australia
An established and experienced DJ & facilitator, Rire completed the 5Elements Dance Facilitators Training in 2017 and has since assisted on two trainings. She discovered a deep connection to music during her long career inside the music industry both in Australia & New Zealand. With a huge range of styles, experience and connections to draw from her unique gift is to traverse effortlessly across multiple genres of music from ambient electronica through to global fusion & house, ebbing and flowing the set to energetically charge the listener with irresistible frequencies that instill a sense of presence, connection and ecstasy during a DJ set or 5Elements Dance Journey.

Rani completed the 5Elements Facilitators Training in Bali in 2014. Since then she has been offering 5Elements Dance Activations at conscious festivals and incorporating it into her work. She has a natural passion for the elements, dance, ceremony, cycles, diverse cultures & creating sacred spaces.
Rani runs regular 5Elements Dance Activations currently in Adelaide, Australia. Rani is also a registered Acupuncturist, Therapeutic & Lomi Lomi Massage Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner & combines this wisdom into her work.
Contact Rani at acurani108@gmail.com or
on her Facebook page

R.I.A embodies the conscious movement as a cultivator of joy, ecstasy and embodiment with an intention to generate wellbeing for ourselves, each other and our precious Mother Earth. R.I.A, originally from New Zealand and now based in Byron Bay - Each 5Elements Dance Experience is a wild, ecstatic journey though the elements where we face our shadows to reveal out light and all with only the most exceptional underground music with quality production for a multi-sensory high-vibrational movement journey.
Island Vibes Festival, Stradbroke Island
Island Elements Festival, Stradbroke Island
Waiheke Island, New Zealand
Kalani Retreat, Big Island, Hawaii
Ocean Shores, Byron Bay
Wildspace, Mullumbimby
Laketopia Retreat, NSW
Rainbow Serpent Festival, VIC

Lene Van Steenwinkel - Kula Dance-5Elements Dance™ -Woman Gatherings
Lene Van Steenwinkel completed the 5Elements Dance™ Facilitators Training in Bali in 2017. Since then she has been offering 5Elements Dance™ Journeys, Courses, Women Circles and Retreats in Belgium and Europe.

Lene is also a social worker that believes that western people and society can find contact, grounding and healing through connecting with the elements and celebrating again the cycles of life. Lene’s transformative workshops include her personal experiences of dance and passage rituals of several native cultures incorporated into the 5Elements Dance Journey.
"Lene lets you move from your feelings. The dancing feels very spontaneous and casual. With your eyes open or closed, in contact with others or alone, nothing has to be done, everything is possible. There is a lot of space to live your emotions and get to know yourself better through the dance. I have absolutely no dance experience and sometimes I feel quite a 'stiff planck', but thanks to Lene I immediately felt at ease to move in complete freedom. Dancing with 5Elements is a wonderful experience that brought me more playfulness and self-confidence."
Achille Zaparucha - 2018 BOOM Festival in Portugal
Hi, I am Achille Zaparucha. I am totally dedicated to freedom. I completed Malaikas 5Elements Dance Training in 2017 which transformed my life.
I believe the best way to be free is to live in harmony with my body, and in harmony with earth. To do this I dance. To transform the layers of worries and stagnant energy in life force, in blissfulness, in abundance and gratitude I dance. I am at service of earth and body wisdom, and I am at your service. My deepest wish and wildest dream is to dance heart open and communicate beyond words and form with all beings. I respectfully love you. Let's do something crazy today!
Achille offered 5Elements Dance at BOOM festival in Portugal in 2018 to 450 people! he is presently offering sessions in Goa India.

Marnie Hudson - Ocean Shores, Australia
Marnie is currently offering Medicine Dance: 5Elements Dance Activation™ in Ocean Shores, NSW, Australia. Visit her Facebook page for class details.

Mine Yalcin Fuller - Turkey, Middle East & Bali
Mine is a certified Yoga and 5Elements Dance Activation™ Facilitator. She has travelled the world over the past 15 years and have practiced and studied various styles of yoga, hands on healing modalities, 5Elements Dance Activation™ , Breath of Bliss Breathwork and Sonic Alchemy Sound Healing.
She leads classes, workshops and retreats in Turkey, the Middle East and Bali. She is excited to share her joy and love of yoga and dance with you. Contact Mine at yogaganesh@yahoo.com or Facebook: Mine Yalcin Fuller

Camila - Northern River NSW, Queensland, Australia
"This journey of becoming a facilitator has been life changing and I don't look back... I absolutely LOVE it!... It was and continues to be sooo transformational and ever evolving for me too! When I witness that in the people who keep coming back and become regulars, I feel really blessed for them and sure proud of me too... for believing in me and sticking with my dream, following my intuition to do the training and now living my life on purpose!"

5Elements Dance Activation™
ECSTATIC TEMPLE with Camila Caeron
Camila believes that authentic expression with love and compassion are such keys for the connection and transformation - and that's what she has been witnessing through the blessing of holding 5Element Dance Activation since mid 2016 after completing the training with Malaika in Bali. She has been incorporating this work in all her offerings, around Northern Rivers NSW and Queensland in Australia. She also runs workshops in retreats and transformational festivals around Australia.
Contact Camila Facebook page and My email address: ecstatictempledance@gmail.com
"I completed the 5Elements Dance Facilitators training in 2016. Since then I have been offering workshops in Stockholm, Sweden. I am currently walking the path of the priestess from the Avalonian tradition and follow the wheel around the year with goddess archetypal consciousness. I honour the 5 elements in cyclical life, the change of the seasons, the sun and the moon. I am a shamanic practitioner with a beginner’s mind and I like to keep my practice simple and heart-centered. My love and appreciation for nature is what has kept me on this path as well as my own inner journey through healing where these practices have aided me greatly in healing and opening the throat chakra with voice and song."
Contact Ama Bose in her email address: amabos55@hotmail.com
Ama Bose - Stockholm, Sweden