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JULY 4-18th 2024 

5Elements Ecstatic Dance & DJ
Facilitators Training, Open for Men & Women

An Initiation onto the Facilitators Path as an Ecstatic Dance Dj
held in Stunning North Bali

Are you ready to take your passion of music and dance to the next level? 

 2024 SOLD OUT! 

​​A true modern-day Rite of Passage for courageous, contemporary leaders to take your passion of music, Ecstatic dance, an the art of DJing to the next level!  Become more than just another Dj learn how to use Shamanic Earth Wisdom to create positive change & build healthy connected communities globally. 


This initiation will lead you to become an artistic, passionate kick-ass DJ for Ecstatic Dance using the map of the 5Elements to create a lifestyle where you get to be your best-embodied self AND - be your own boss! 


This Training is for you if you are READY to step outside the box and start living from your passion for movement, music, and conscious embodied community! 

Are you ready to be Initiated?

  • Do you LOVE music? Love to move your body, Love Ecstatic Dance & long to share your unique flavour through this medium?​


  • Are you aching to bring Conscious Ecstatic Dance to your Community?


  • In My Elements is offering a true Initiation onto the facilitator's path - a 14-day live-in training in stunning North Bali, to learn everything you will need to be a successful Embodied Ecstatic Dance Facilitator and Dj Using the map of the 5 Elements.


This training is for you if you are one of those conscious powerful creators who aren't afraid to step up with absolute certainty to embody the mission you have been put on this earth to EMBODY & share, using music, dance & ceremony to create intentional community on a daily basis. ​


If you are passionate, outgoing, love the Earth, and have a strong desire to create an Ecstatic Dance Community where you live-it’s a no-brainer…. COME this might be the last in-person training to learn from the best and have one of those PEAK Experiences of a lifetime that will set you up with a good solid foundation in the art, science, business, and sacredness of Creating and DJing for Ecstatic Dance journey's using the map of the 5Elemens Dance Activation™. See yourself in the paradise of Bali waking up to witness sunrises on the ocean, daily dance practices with awesome people, as you learn new skills and have this life-transforming experience. 

Have you always wanted to be a Dj? Or want to learn how to make music sets for your yoga, dance, online courses, and personal parties and learn the art and essence of Facilitation?

RIGHT NOW is your opportunity to listen to your inner voice, to break out of the rut you've been in, and have the kind of once-in-a-lifetime adventure that will spark a transformation within you.


The Great Reset on your terms!

It's a modern-day Rite of Passage -An INITIATION onto the path of Facilitation, it will touch you so deeply that it will change you forever from the inside out. It is something you can not learn online or in books, it must be experienced to be fully embodied.


This marks entrance or acceptance to be part of the Global Ecstatic Dance Movement Sweeping the planet which Malaika has been a pioneer of having created the 5Elements Dance Activation™ and Conscious Dance Movement in Australia in 2000. This training restores the Ancient practice of Ecstatic Dance so needed in our world today.

have been one of the GrandMothers of the Conscious Dance Movement bringing communities together in a sober environment to dance, release, and celebrate. for almost 25 years. 


Ecstatic Dance IS the new yoga!


 What is an initiation ceremony? It's a ritual during which an initiate is admitted to the tribe and given secret knowledge; sometimes contains one or more tests that have to be passed or endured. We will guide and support you through this transition.

This is not for the faint-hearted- we will be training light Rainbow Warriors, rising early to witness the sunrise, cultivating healthy self practices of somatic movement, yoga, meditation, and stillness, so you learn to facilitate from a place of what is alive, authentic & EMBODIED in you!

Join the movement and create the life of your dreams with epic human beings who love to move, connect, and dance. Guaranteed you will make friends for life! 

You will face many of your shadows, deep fears, and limiting beliefs, so you may move beyond all that has been holding you back and move from ego-centric to eco-centric consciousness- meaning learning how you can serve with your gifts and your unique flavor creating transformational dance journeys. You will learn how to be the hollow bone to serve your community from a place of humbleness and compassion having endured and passed certain rites of passage yourself will make you stand out from all the others with a deep understanding of the Shamanic Elemental Roots of Ecstatic Dance and how to incorporate that element into the Ecstatic Dance Experience. You will learn how to use your gear, both software and hardware and everything you need to go forth and start DJing your first gigs. In fact, each participant is required to play their first set as part of the training. You will discover the power of music as frequency to shift people's consciousness and raise the vibration! As well as being given 100 of our favorite tracts to get you started and teach you where to find all the best music. 
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Malaika is an International modern-day Medicine Woman. She is an acclaimed Global Movement Facilitator and Creatrix of 5Elements Dance Activation™. DJ Ma Ecstatic Dance Dj who has played at most major festivals,  a resident Dj at the legendary Yoga Barn and has taught all over the world. She has hosted transformational retreats and trainings for the past 30 years globally. You will be in very safe and good hands. Her lifelong commitment to the Shamanic Path has given her a wealth of Earth Wisdom to share both on the decks and how to hold and create an incredible container for real magic to happen.


Malaika has gained international recognition for her skill in reuniting people with their inner body spirituality, allowing her students to enter deeper levels of awareness, authenticity,  and self-love by activating many to pursue their passions and live more in harmony with nature and their own true nature., 


Together using ritual, ceremony, music, and dance, Malaika strives to create sacred space for the purpose of bringing about personal and planetary awakening, re-establishing harmony in our fractured, overly industrialized world, and helping you get your feet back on the earth and remember why you are here. She will inspire you to go for your dreams!, and give you all the tools necessary to go from beginner to confidently stepping into your leadership role. 

See more about Malaika's work in the videos below.


Malaika Darville

Introducing Jasmine Jefferys aka Wild Honey

Honey Jefferys aka Wild Honey is renowned for her deliciously dynamic dance journeys as an international Ecstatic Dance DJ and a founder of Byron Bay Ecstatic Dance Australia. 
Honey has spent years behind the decks, sharing her unique fusion of sensuous temple bass and primal beats, igniting dance floors with wild expression and somatic bliss. 
Having a deep passion for dance, Honey has also taught her unique style ‘Ethereal Fusion Dance’ at retreats and trainings worldwide.
Her deeply intuitive and refined approach to her sets has made her stand out, with over 100k listens on her online mixes. Honey is extremely passionate about empowering people to understand and explore what it truly is to be able to curate a profound and memorable dance journey as well as the art of facilitation and holding space.


In this training, Honey will take you through the core foundations and practices that will open up every part of your body to move and dance in a way that is truly out of this world as part of our morning embodiment practices. With her passion for dance and love for music, Jasmin - DJ Wild Honey, is a founder and resident DJ to Byron Bay Ecstatic Dance.


Bringing fresh and sensuous flavors to ignite the dance floor with her deeply dynamic journeys. 
Honey will be offering her insights into what is really behind an unforgettable dance journey, from curating an immaculate set to DJing on the fly and reading the crowd, to finding your unique sound and the technical aspects on the decks. 

Through her art, whether it be painting, dancing, or holding space and guiding others, Honey offers her devotion to creativity, igniting the remembrance of the magic and power we each hold within our beings.


Over the past three decades, Malaika has been providing support and training to more than 1,000 teachers, resulting in Ecstatic Dance and Cacao Ceremonies on every continent. The Training is limited to 18 participants with 3 assistants and sells out every year. 

If you have any questions and would like to hop on a call with Malaika to learn more about the training and see if it's for you please click the button below.


Join the Experience

  • A deep dive into the whole Ecstatic Dance Experience and how to Dj in a way that evokes ecstasy 

  • The Art and Science of holding space for transformational experiences. 

  • Learn how to lead from an embodied, Authentic presence.

  • You will learn how to master the Traktor DJ program, mixing, looping, queuing, beat matching, song selection, 


  • You will learn where to find music, how to organize your music, and how to create a transformational journey using the map of the 5Elements


  • You will learn How to lead the warm-up and closing circles.


  • The Art of Flawless Facilitation

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  • How to create dynamic variety in a mix​


  • How to mix a set that has power and meaning to take your dancers on a journey. 


  • How to trust your deepest calling with confidence, creativity and technical clarity


  • How to brand and market yourself for success

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  • Learn how to mix harmonically How to use effects, loops, cueing, and mixing creatively for the Ecstatic Dance wave.


  • Plus how to find gigs, how to market and brand yourself and create your tribe.​ How to create your marketing using canva.


  • We will support and initiate you as we embark on this incredible life-transforming experience into the art of creating, holding, and facilitating Sacred Ecstatic Dance Space, including the business of being a kick-ass abundant freelance Ecstatic Dance Facilitator and DJ. 


  • More than just a DJ training course, this training will give you tools for life to be the best human version of yourself possible while dancing in paradise. 

  • ADDED BONUS: You will learn how to host a Cacao Ceremony in conjunction with Ecstatic Dance 

In addition to learning everything you need to know to host an Ecstatic Dance, you will also learn how to hold space to take people on a transformational, shamanic musical journey. Learn to listen like a musician and gain a deep understanding of the power of music to guide people into the trance dance experience. 
Unplug to plug back into your life force energy and recharge your batteries naturally



Luxury Accommodation

You just need to get your flight to Bali and from the minute you arrive our team will be there to pick you up and bring you to the beautiful private retreat center in stunning North Bali away from the touristy areas and chaos of the cities. Your adventure has begun. Then we will start our 5Elements Ecstatic Dance & Dj  Facilitators Training where we intentionally have made this training live-in, inclusive of all vegetarian organic healthy meals, and shared accommodation for 14 full days so you can stay focused and get the most out of the training with minimum distractions so you will leave feeling confident to start playing in just two weeks and will have made friends for life!


Picture this, wake up to spectacular sunrises on the ocean, slip into the tranquil warm waters for a morning swim, and experience living in the Elements on the ocean of stunning North Bali in an Ecstatic Dance Community, learn about yourself, stretch your body, mind and Spirit while learning how to be the one who spins the music to lift the roof and take people out of their heads and into their bodies for real authentic Ecstatic Life Transforming Experiences. We will be celebrating with music, dance, song, and connection. Past students say it's the best two weeks of their life! 

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Pool Gaia Bali
Room Gaia Bali
Gaia Oasis Bali
Resto Gaia Bali
Patio Gaia Bali
Les Bali
Room Gaia Bali


Everything you need to know to get ready for your trip and more details about the Journey

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“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” – ~Martha Graham ~



Hollie Anne

Stephanie, Sedona

All I can say is life changing!


I feel connected with pieces of myself that I couldn’t have identified as absent. I have realized my purpose and feel prepared to move forward into the world. Deep gratitude Malaika; everything you do is with purpose and intent, so beautifully executed in the moment and so authentic.


You are such a clear channel for transformation.

"This training has really opened me up to so many more possibilities for myself, to push myself through fear, feelings of unworthiness, self-limiting stories, and playing small. I had to let go of so much that was pulling me back.


I feel more confident than ever in my own inner wisdom, & my ability to be of service to other women. I discovered my own radiance. What this training has given me is priceless!! Thank you, Malaika for all the work that you do.


100% I would suggest this course to friends and to ALL people- this is what they should be teaching us in school!!"


Sahara Rose 

Best-Selling Author, Host of Highest Self Podcast, Founder of Dharma Coaching Institute & Rose Gold Goddesses, Speaker, Mystic, and Spiritual Activist, and kick-ass Dj.


"Incredibly, I  got to experience Malaikas Training in Bali. This Radically changed my life. She gave me the courage to trust my Souls Dharma, my Souls Purpose. Since then we have been good friends and I have brought her onto my Rose Gold Goddesses Community where she has taught both online and in person, each and every time it's been so transformational.


I am so grateful to have learned from Malaika, She is such a full-power Shakti, Embodied Divine Feminine Leader, and her work is so needed in the world right now. If you are drawn to her work, you are making the right choice!"

Achille Zaparucha

I attended Malaika's Training, following my 6th sense, like my body was telling me to go there. When a friend of mine told me about it, it was as if the air was filled with electricity. I knew it was one of those opportunities life opened for me, and my part was to feel the fear and the butterflies in my belly and do it anyway


The very best month of my life yet. The one I have been more authentic, vulnerable, and true to myself.


Thank you Malaika Darville for your knowledge, wisdom, and love you are sharing. Thank you for being you. A cage-opener. 
Thank you Balinese people for being so welcoming, and cooking so delicious food! 


Bharat Sachdeva - Personal Trainer, India


My experience with Malaika was one of the most incredible workshops I had the opportunity to attend. She is a woman with many hats, from being a Shaman to a movement artist to a talented musician, I personally got a taste of many different things from her during the Tantra workshop and am super grateful for the transformation in my life because of it.  Malaika brings something magical to the gathering with her Heart-oriented approach to the personal touch that united and formed a bond with other members during the workshop. If you have the opportunity to attend a training with Malaika, go for it, just be prepared to change! 

The best thing about being an Ecstatic Dance DJ is making people happy. There is nothing like seeing people go wild on the dance floor or the expression on their faces when they hear a track they love and it helps them to release some emotions in a healthy way.

I also love to educate people on music they may have never heard before to take people on a journey with me around the world.

Let Your Heart Beat for Music.  

We are keeping the price as affordable as possible just so you can join us and be a part of this momentous activation, and have included just about everything, so you can stay focused on your journey with all the logistics are taken care of. 

The investment for this transformational once-in-a-lifetime training 

$5998 USD

$3333 USD

(Shared accommodation- single room on availability for an extra fee, Please check availbility

$500 USD

Reserve your spot now for only 
This Intimate Training is for those who are ready to be in the limelight, who are keen to put in the work to pursue their passion. Space is strictly limited for quality teachings & cohesive group connection. ARE YOU READY?? 
AFTER APRIL 1st 2024

$3500 USD

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If you would like to hop on a call with Malaika to learn more about the training and ask more questions, please click the button below.

Over the past 30 years, Malaika has empowered thousands of people, and they are all teaching and hosting successful journies all over the world. 


  • Shared Transport from  Ubud to the venue in Nth Bali

  • Shared Accommodation in a luxury beachside resort (Limited single rooms available for 20% on full fee, on availability)

  • Healthy  organic Vegetarian and Vegan Meals (BLD) 

  • Exciting 14-day  Embodiment & Dj Facilitation Training Program 

  • Earth Warrior Training to make you stand out and be an exceptional leader in the field of Ecstatic Dance Djs

  •  DJ support post-training  Zoom Call Q&A

  • On Going Global Peer Support Group

  • 100 Awesome Tracks to Get You Started

  • Daily Embodiment Practices

  • In My Elements Certificate Upon Completion

  • Trip to Sacred Waterfall

  • BONUS Sacred Cacao Ceremonial Training.  Learn the art of hosting a Sacred Cacao Ceremony the perfect combination to go with your New Dj Skills and lead groups into the Ecstatic Dance Experience. 


  • International Flights to Bali

  • Transport from the airport to Ubud (can be organized for you and just pay the driver direct.  We advised you arrive a day or two before the training to rest from jetlag and plan to leave a day or two after the training for integration.

  • Extra Massages, Extra Drinks, or Snacks

  •  One Lunch at the waterfall

  • Tips 

  • Your Dj Tools - Tractor Software and Hardware.  Once your application is approved you will receive a comprehensive list of what to bring.

  • Mac Computer- Make sure you have a good working Mac computer with space for new music. 



All Inclusive!


Elemental Embodiment
Aspect of the Training


  • Sun Rise & Sun Set Meditations and Shamanic Practices 

  • Daily Ocean Swims

  • Daily Elemental Yoga or African Dance

  • Ethereal Fusion Dance,

  • Contact Dance Skills

  • Sharing Circles

  • Waterfall Adventure

  • Chanting and Fire Ceremony Kirtan

  • Digital Detox (No phones allowed in communal areas to foster reconnection and  Human interaction)

  • Cacao Ceremony and Rituals

  • Balinese Community Connection and Interaction

  • Freedom Renewal & Inspiration while discovering the hidden paradise of Bali's' Tranquil North 

  • Plant It Forward -Give back to Mama Bali planting trees

  • Powerful processes to remove self-doubt and fears

  • Lots of Dance!! 

Ecstatic Dance Facilitator & Dj Training


  • Exciting 101 DJ skills for complete beginners 

  • Learn how to use Traktor Pro 3 Software and Hardware

  • Learn the Art of crafting a set to land your tribe in the heart

  • 100 of our awesome favorite tracks, learn how and why we choose the tracks we use and where we get our music and how to mix them
  • Learn how to Facilitate opening and closing circles. 

  • Learn voice projection, how to use a headset or mic.

  •  DJ support post-training with  group ZOOM calls

  • On Going Global Peer Support Group

  • Practicals- Each student will host a mini ED with all the support you will need to fly with valuable feedback from your peers

  • Learn how to navigate challenging emotions both your own and on the dance floor

  • Make the correlation between music, the elements, and the Yin/Yang dynamics on the dance floor.

  • Learn how to incorporate live music and work with live musicians to add an incredible boost to your sets.

  • In My Elements Certificate Upon Completion

  • BONUS Cacao Ceremonial Training


Dancing is a uniquely human activity. People dance for fun, to express themselves, to foster romance, and as part of religious ceremonies. Dance is both a high art form and a cultural experience that everyone from children to the elderly can enjoy. This type of universal appeal may explain why ecstatic dance has inspired a revival and a revolution of the Human Spirit.

After April 1st 2024
$3500 USD

 Investment $3333 USD

Save by paying in full
Before April 1st 2024 to get the Early Bird
Payment Plans Available 


Two weeks of shared accommodation and all meals in our private luxury oceanfront Resort with pool   Juicy Daily

Dj & Dance Training program with certification 

PLUS BONUS Ceremonial Cacao Training 

Save your space by making a deposit of only 

$500 USD

Limited Space for Quality Training. This Training sells out every year. Reserve your place to avoid disappointment as strictly restricted to 18 vibrant Souls ready to take your life to the next level.

Investing in your own Spiritual and creative growth is the most important thing you can do because it will positively impact your life and the lives of those you serve. 

Payment Plans Available 

5Elements Ecstatic Dance & DJ Facilitators Training Applications 2024

An Initiation onto the Facilitator Path as a kickass Ecstatic Dance DJ -A Transformative Journey for Men and Women Seeking to Embrace Their Passion
July 4 - 18th, 2024
Stunning North Bali, Indonesia

This 2 week long intensive Training is a powerful, transformative journey for anyone who wants to leap into a profound and joyful journey of DJing for Ecstatic Dance


Thank you so much for applying to join this year's 5ELEMENTS ECSTATIC DANCE & Dj  FACILITATORS TRAINING! ARE YOU EXCITED??  I am super excited to read all about you and to hear what your needs are from this training to make sure we are aligned and that you are a good fit for the program. Please fill out the information as best and honestly as you can. The training is designed to take you from beginner to playing your first set in just two weeks. We will be immersed in music, dance, left brain right brain learning while also enveloping you in the abundance of the elements, while you unfold, root, and birth yourself on this new path! 


Please take a moment to fill in the details below about your medical history, your needs and desires, and as much info as you want to share about where you are at and why you want to be a part of this training. All information is strictly confidential & and will only be used in the event of an emergency.


PLEASE NOTE: During this program, we will be partaking in yoga, somatic movement, dance, music, and swimming daily. Although all men and women are welcome to join, some level of physical & and psychological fitness is necessary and will make the journey more enjoyable for you and the whole group.


$3333 USD

(Shared accommodation- single room on availability for an additional 20% of the full price, Please check availability
Reserve your spot now for only 
AFTER APRIL 1st 2024

$3500 USD

$500 USD


Frequently Asked Questions?

  • What is the Daily Program? Will we have free time?
    The program for our 5Elements Ecstatic Dance Dj and Facilitators Training has been curated and distilled over many trainings to give you a great foundation in Dj skills and practical Facilitation skills as well as some deep somatic processes to remove fear, blockages, and self-doubts, fear of stepping fully into your leadership role, and integration time, time for massages, and also a day off to visit the surrounding beauty of North Bali. 1st and last day we have Opening and Closing Ceremonies Format for most Days will be: 6:00 am SunRise Daily Intention setting & Ocean Swim to being your day 7am TEA BREAK 7:30 - 8:30 am Elemental Morning Movement Practices (This may be Yoga, Kundalini, Dynamic Meditation, or Dance. Each day progresses and follows the elements. 9 -10 am BREAKFAST 11- 12:30 pm Dj Skills 101 1 - 3 pm LUNCH BREAK AND FREE TIME 3 - 5:30 pm Dj Skills, and Facilitation practicals 6:30 pm SunSet Magic by the Ocean, singing, silence, or drumming 7 - 8 pm DINNER 10 pm Lights Out and Silence Some evenings will be free time for integration, journaling, and Q&A, alternating with Fire Ceremony, Cacao Ceremony, Tea Ceremony, and Sharing Circle Mid Training we will have one free day going to one of Bali's Most Incredible Waterfalls for a Purification Ceremony before we start the second week and practicals Week Two Similar as week one and including Practicals where each student will have the opportunity to shine and share your creative expression. You will Dj for a mini Ecstatic Dance for the whole group and receive vital feedback from us and your colleagues. The schedule is a beautiful combination of Structure, Yang or Masculine-focused energy to learn the new skills necessary to Dj, and Yin or Feminine expression - Creativity, flow, expression, with lots of embodiment practices to keep you grounded and connected to the elements. The Last Day of the Training we will complete with the BONUS of learning the art of preparing and serving Sacred Cacao ceremonially. The first week is more intensive learning where as the second week is more hands on putting into practicie what you have learned. During the practicals there is free time once you have completed your practical which we encourage you to start building your next set and keep improving. All assistants will be available for Q&A
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SAVE by booking with the early bird. Just be prepared to Move, Groove, Sweat, and Smile all over.  

Listen to the beat of your own heart and follow your calling!

See You soon in Stunning North Bali!

We’ve reached a point where we can no longer afford to ignore the warning signs, we must change. You may also feel a sense of urgency to get up and play your part in the restoration of our ecosystems, education systems, governance, and the way we live on Earth.


Investing in your own Spiritual and creative growth is the most important thing you can do because it will positively impact your life and the lives of those around you.


Make this the year that you take action towards REALLY living your life from a place of passion, art, music, and community- all the ingredients for an EPIC life! I look forward to sharing the power and magic of Djing and Bali with you as we embark on this transformational journey together.

$3333 USD

$500 USD

Save your space by making a deposit of only 
Limited Space for Quality Training

$5998 USD

Only until April 1st
ALL INCLUSIVE!  4th-18th July 2024 in North Bali
After April 1st

$3500 USD

If you have any additional questions, please

Click below to start chatting with me and my team



We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your enthusiastic participation in this year's sold - out retreat, marking my final in-person DJ training session in Bali!


If you're eager to embark on your DJ journey, I'm thrilled to announce an upcoming interactive course, mirroring the immersive experience of this retreat. Secure your spot on the waitlist today and anticipate an exclusive offer upon its release!

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